..but it’s also really fun to receive. #justsayin
Especially when it’s part of a blogger Secret Santa Swap! I’m not going to lie, I was super hesitant about this. I got burned in an ornament swap earlier this season and I didn’t want to put a lot of time into something my heart wasn’t in…but then I watched The Grinch and my heart grew a couple sizes. I was in full holiday mode putting together my box and I loved how to turned out.
My recipient was Kristyn over at Carolina Fireflies. I made sure to stalk her blog so I could send her some things she might appreciate. Hopefully she’s linking up today so you can check it out 🙂
Now…on to my box! And get your sick heads outta the gutter. #forreal
I was so happy when a huge package was delivered to my house BEFORE IT WAS EVEN DECEMBER! I mean, really friends..my Secret Santa was ON. THEIR. GAME. Naturally, I tore into that box like my life depended on it.
Inside I found a pile of Christmas happiness. I got adorable Christmas hand towels, LUNA bars (my fave!), a JOY ornament, Christmas mug, cake pop mix, and a knitted winter headband that I have obviously worn since I received it. Headbands are my JAM.
I love how the ornament includes a little cupcake, because my secret santa must know I love those, too!
Can’t wait to see what everyone else got..and who my Santa is!