So you know those times when you’re so busy enjoying life that you don’t even think to pull your phone out to take a photo of the food you’re about to devour or the cool Christmas lights you just saw?
Yeah. That happened this weekend. Am I the worst blogger in the world? Probably. But you know what? I don’t care. I was too busy shopping in Georgetown, picking out wedding outfits, and partaking in Christmas crafts to notice. When I wasn’t doing those things, I was learning new recipes and devouring peanut butter cups and Diet Coke while watching The Holiday. So you know what? Those things > blog photos. #sorry
The reality of it all is that I had an absolutely fabulous time thanks to Kaitlyn (and Jay..even though I missed ya!) and kind of enjoyed stepping away from monitoring Twitter, Instagram, & Facebook.
And you know what else happened? I learned how cool people curl their hair with a flat iron. Reason number 2973498 I’m not cool–I can’t do it.
Okay, I lied. Here’s one photo.