So remember that time I signed on my blog and I had over 2,000 followers? Yeah, neither do I.
But I did sign on last night and see that I had 440. Like, what?! That is a boat load of people that are interested in what I have to say. I’m flattered, really. Because, let’s face it–even I get sick me–so the fact that all of you want to share my life with me is pretty freaking awesome in my book.
And maybe some of you are like yeah? 440 followers? Well take a look at my sidebar, honey, because I’ve got _____.
The truth of the matter is…I had a blog for over a year with 11 followers…and I was fine with it. But are more than welcome to go back to 2011 and read all my original posts. They’re a bit hairy at best, just warning you ahead of time. I always like to know what I’m getting in to…
So in the theme of greeting all you fabulous folks that are new (or ones that have been here for awhile!)…
We really know how to have a good time around here, so saddle up.
Yes. I just went there. And to think I was contemplating a vlog today…Note to self: better hold off on that to keep aforementioned followers.
In any case, today’s post is all about asking me any question you’ve ever wondered. There are plenty of blogs I read where I REALLY want to comment and ask a question. But then I think, self, you are going to sound awkward and out of line.
But here and now?
No Question Will Remain Unanswered.
I kind of felt like Yoda saying that…which is ironic, because I’ve never once watched Star Wars anything and the only thing I know about Yoda is that he is wise. I hope you’re reading this Dane.
And just for kicks, you can even use Anonymous commenting..HAVE FUN!
Happy Thursday