Linking up with Steph and Katie to share with you my little Pinterest adventure in BRIDESMAID FAVORS!
Is that what you even call them? Iono, but they’re freakin’ cute, so let’s get the ball rolling.
The original pin I saw was this:
Cute for sure, but a little too plain for my liking. For one, there was no glitter. Come on now, friends. What is a craft if it involves no glitter? I’ll tell you right’s not a craft at all then.
And this was my finished product. Don’t worry, there’s a (wrapped) ring pop beneath all that festive filling. Let’s take this moment to pause and appreciate how difficult it is to find and purchase Ring Pops these days.
It’s hard to tell in the photo, but I used a metallic Sharpie on a natural-colored box, added photos and cute scrapbooking frames to identify each attendant’s box, and added a fun note to each girl. If I really had my way, I would have sent them all customized wine bottles, however the idea of shipping 6 bottles of wine really didn’t sit well with me.
What do you think? Too cheesy? Too over-the-top? Let’s not get carried away, I already shipped these suckers.