So I’m not going to lie..when I saw Whitney was doing a link-up about being nosy, my heart did a little pitter patter thing…It went a little something like “OMFG I can read all these juicy bits from some of my favorite bloggers!”
Now on with the show!
1. I can’t get into bed without taking a shower. All that grime ya got on ya during the day…do you really want to sleep with it? Naw, me either. So…wash yourself.
2. I HATE HATE HATE how much I shed. #longhairdontcare Only..I really DO care because I obsessively pick up every single piece off my bathroom floor after a good blowdry/styling session.
3. I’m terrified of snakes, spiders, and just about any bug. As in..scream and carry on until someone comes and removes it.
4. I have a sick obsession with talking in the most obnoxious voice imaginable to my dog. Sometimes I have full blown conversations in said voice…Cue: losing all my blog followers…
5. If it’s glittery, I want it.
6. When I use bathrooms in restaurants or any place other than my home, I use a piece of paper to open the door when I exit. I blame this solely on an episode of Dateline I watched once where they showed public restrooms under a black light…Don’t even get my started on the toilet seats. #hoveringonly #nocontact
7. I floss my teeth twice a day and brush after every single meal. I think in a former life I was a dental hygienist.
8. In high school I broke my passenger door mirror off my car backing out of my garage and used duct tape to keep it on for approximately 3 weeks.
9. The smell of metal off cheap jewelry skeeves me out. Big. Time. Does it stop me from buying it? No.
10. I’m an Etsy junkie and I have so many cute ideas for babies I will probably never have. Weird?