…and this weekend is chock full of wedding biz-nass. And I mean, three reception venue tours and a bridal showcase. Holler for a dollar, honey boo boo, ’cause I am not messing around. As my future FIL says “this girl is a planner and she’s ten steps ahead of the game.” #lovethat #OCD
Today also marks my step-dad’s 50th birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOE! if you’re reading)…so I am sure he is just thrilled to pieces that his birthday weekend is filled with venue tours.
All I have to say is TGIF. This week has kicked my arse.
I’d like a cold beverage in hand while I peruse Piperlime for the next 3 days please and thanks. Speaking of Piperlime, I have a $50 gift card that I can’t find anything to spend it on, but I’m in desperate need of some new clothes so if you find some fun things, holla atcha girl.
Just to end on a completely irrelevant note, yesterday I was chatting with my DBSM (that’s dog blog soul mate, for short) Sarah talking about my somewhat crazed fascination with the Holocaust. I discussed it once here. Expecting her to be like “okay make believe internet friend, this is where we part ways..”–she responds “OMG me too! Have you ever read Sarah’s Key?”
As if I ever needed confirmation, now I know that it’s absolutely imperative I go visit her in February. HAY OHIO, I’m coming for ya.
Oh and just one more thing. Take a look-see at the URL up top. OH YEAHHH, bought the domain. Look a little different? Things are about to get fun around here. Stick around.