Just kidding, but I really do think we’d have fun conversations about cooking. And making fun of people who do stupid things on Twitter. And by stupid things, I mean they participate in conversations they have no business or knowledge talking about.
And then she posts the types of conversations she has with John and just when I think we can’t be any closer to BFFs…a small part of me does a happy dance.
Because this is very similar to the types of conversations I have with Dane. Like today, when I told him in my former life I was an African American rap super star sensation and he replied:
I never claimed to be a connoisseur of hip-hop history…only the Holocaust.
Special thanks to Sarah who told me about the absolutely adorable show Chrissy and John host together on The Cooking Channel with the best show name ever…Chrissy Teigen’s Hungry.
I know I’ve posted about this before, but I’ll say it again…if there is a bigger non-celebrity celebrity than Chrissy, I want to meet them. Have your fingers do a little sprint to go follow her on Twitter…you won’t be sorry. I can laugh for days about the stuff she says on there.
Oh and Chrissy if you’re reading…I’ll try to be less creepy about my idolization for you in the future, but only if you promise to be less awesome.