Have you ever noticed how many songs there are about wishing? Wishing upon a star, Wishing you’d
never met someone, Wishing your life was better, Wishing you were someone else…you get the idea.
For the most part, when I start wishing something, I stop and ask myself why I’m wishing for it. And I’m not talking about wishing someone good luck on a surgery or wishing a couple the best in their marriage, that comes naturally. No, I’m talking about wishing I could be Chrissy Teigen or wishing I could see Dane everyday. THESE ARE THE REAL THINGS I WISH FOR, FRIENDS. Not that I don’t wish you the best of luck on your impending marriage…I do. Pun intended.
But back to me and my wishing. Why do I wish I was Chrissy Teigen or that I could see Dane every day? Because deep down I think we all have a desire to live in a perfect world. But the more you think about it, say we DID live in that perfect world, where wishing wasn’t necessary–How much fun would that be? None.
Because there’s no point in having wishes if you don’t try them.
I encourage everyone reading who is wishing for something today (big or small!) to take one small step in completing it.