Is anyone else ELATED it’s Friday? I mean, more so than usual? This week dragged. It dragged its feet and reared its ugly head. It’s been a long one and I’m ready to part ways at EXACTLY 5PM.
After such a week it only seems fitting that some confessions are in order and Leslie is the lady who runs the show.
I confess…I’ve been less than motivated to blog. It’s hard to write when things are 1. not inspiring and 2. not pretty or fun. Unless you want to see a house full of moving boxes and lawn chairs in my living room. In which case your idea of fun is bewildering.
I confess…I won two giveaways yesterday and it was the absolute highlight of my week. God bless you, blogging.
I confess…I was really angry at the people who purchased our bed when they showed up at our doorstep last night at 9pm. A full week early and at an hour in which I’m usually already sleeping.
I confess…I just realized Leslie took the Confessional Friday in a bit of a new direction this week and asked about our ideal days (and not our confessions), and so I suppose even this lame excuse of a post is also wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Sorry life, I’m sucking today.
But if you’re still ideal day is any day in this life where I’m happy, which usually includes Dane, my family, my best friends, a margarita and a dog.
Lanai, June 2013 |
Thank you, Friday, for finally arriving. Amen.