I think the relationship Gods have decided to rain down upon me this week. A mixture of missing Dane and all of the following articles–I’ve had marriage on my mind a lot!
When I was younger, I had mixed feelings about marriage. Mixed feelings about having to “give up” a part of me in order to become a part of someone else. It’s weird and somewhat delusional typing it out like that, but in my head–that’s how it was. I felt like it was a sacrifice. One I was okay with, but a sacrifice nonetheless.
As I’ve grown up, I look at marriage less like a sacrifice of the self and more like getting picked to be part of the best dodgeball team in life. Who would YOU want as a teammate? (I also just saw a commercial for the new Bonnie & Clyde mini-series premiering this December…and I’ve decided that Dane is most assuredly the Clyde to my Bonnie…) Moving onward!
This week, I read this post from Samantha. And then I read this post from Steph. Both opened up my eyes a little bit more to my theory. These ladies give such insight to how their marriages work and while both two completely different situations there is a common theme–picking your very best friend to walk through life with.
Yesterday, a good friend of mine sent me little snippet via e-mail.
“People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone
wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you
everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your
own attention so you can change your life. A true soul mate is probably
the most important person you’ll ever meet, because they’ll tear down
your walls and smack you awake.” -Elizabeth Gilbert
I swooned and immediately began thinking if I could somehow get this on a print for my bedroom. There is so much truth to this, though. Why do we begin liking people anyway? Why do we pick the people we do to surround ourselves with? 9 times out of 10 because something about them reminds us of ourselves. They share similar interests, are involved in similar activities, share a common friend…the list goes on!
I’m fairly certain I could go on for days about this topic, but I will wind things up for you since it’s Friday and all and if I continue this post will go in about 6 separate directions. It all boils down to, are you with your lifetime dodgeball partner?