Yesterday I had one of those moments where you stop in tracks and realize how perfectly your life is coming together. Let me just stop right here and take this moment to say that things coming together perfectly DOES NOT imply that my life is perfect. Believe me, it is far from it, but you know what–I wouldn’t trade the kinks and hiccups here and there for absolutely anything. And about the illusion that life is perfect? One day I’ll tell you about how my back windshield wiper physically snapped off from coldness during the Polar Vortex.
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Photo Credit to the lovely and talented Jonas Maon // ARIA STUDIOS |
Without further adieu, my happiness list:
1. Constant and continual support and love by Dane, my family and friends. Life is freaking hard sometimes and there is absolutely no one I would rather have to walk through it by my side than Dane. I am so lucky I got the family I did and man oh man, I am convinced I have some of the best friends out there. If someone else is living differently–I don’t want any parts of it.
2. When I was a senior in college, where I’m at now would not have been in my five year plan. Truth be told, it probably wouldn’t have even been in my ten year plan. At this stage I’ve learned that the best plan is none at all.
3. Before I moved to Hawaii, the closest I had ever lived to the beach was the Jersey shore. I spent my summer vacations there and as our yearly “week at the beach” came to a close, I always hated to see it go. Did I ever imagine that at 25 I’d live in a home where the Pacific was my front yard? Never in a million years, but it’s true what they say about salt air–it does wonders for the soul. Now I can’t imagine what I’ll do when we have to leave.
4. Dogs. I think that about sums things up.
5. The feeling of not getting what you wanted. Yes, this is completely weird and I’m sure you’re all scratching your heads right now–who the heck feels happy when they don’t get what they want? The answer is no one–not even me–but seeing things come full circle in life is so gratifying. My mom always tells me, “Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted.” She is so incredibly wise beyond her years with this one.
6. Taking charge of your life. This one is empowering and sometimes it doesn’t happen until much later in the game. For me, it happened early and WOW! When you get to this point, you’ll be so proud and feel so accomplished. Life is way too short to be stuck in a situation you hate–think about it.
Every so often I have these moments and not often enough, I write them down. I think it’s important to remember these feelings as you feel them and one of my goals for 2014 is being grateful for what I have–not hateful for what I don’t.
What is making you happy this Wednesday?