^ that is an exaggeration. I have slept for 6 hours in the past 48. Life has been nothing short of a whirlwind…but I kind of live my life in a perpetual state of forward motion at 98mph, so here we go!
I came back to Hawaii on Saturday, but not after I checked in for my flight in Pennsylvania…only to be told once I reached the gate that the flight was being re-routed out of Baltimore, Maryland. What the…So here I go, trying to collect my three checked bags, get my parents on the phone and traipse down to Baltimore. Not exactly what I had in mind at 4AM. God bless my amazing parents who gladly turned around and played taxi before the sun even rose.
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$9 airport breakfast of champions! |
For my troubles, I was bumped up to first class for some of my flights–no complaints here–but I would personally never pay for that.
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I’m LOVING this book so far–no spoilers, please! |
When I finally got to Hawaii (midnight), I had practically slept all day so I was ready to hit the ground running. Dane teased that he had some surprises up his sleeve and in my mind, I envisioned a home-cooked meal. Imagine my surprise when we pull into the driveway and a brand new golf cart is waiting for me!
We live in a huge resort community so to say that I’m elated to be able to drive to the beach, pool and gym–not to mention the tequila bar–is an understatement. But the surprise didn’t stop there–I walked into our empty and furniture-less house, only to find Dane had taken an entire afternoon and BUILT me some new porch furniture. I mean….I don’t think I could have crafted a better man with my own two hands.
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Yes that is champagne, my favorite Bath&Body Works candle and a photo book of our past year. |
I don’t think we knew that when we woke up on Sunday morning we would be staying awake for almost a full 24 hours–but we did. Our day started with a ride in the new golf cart down to see the ocean. Salt air, coffee and a golf cart–this is how life is meant to be lived, friends. We came home, made some breakfast and began unpacking the 1.6 million boxes of wedding goodies we had accumulated in the living room. Naturally, the first thing I did was fill every glass jar we got with flour, sugar, quinoa, rice and a menagerie of other things. Sorry in advance to those who visit–our entire counter top is a series of glass jars. #addict
It was POURING rain (not exactly ideal Pro Bowl weather), so we nixed tailgating and made all our tailgating food for lunch and enjoyed it under an umbrella outside…where it was dry.
If we’re being 100% honest (and I like to be just that), I was mostly ticked about the weather because I LOVED my outfit, which included the sweetest headband I’ve ever gotten my hands on–and I’ve had a lot of headbands in my life. Custom made to match both the Lion teams in my life (Detroit & PSU), Jovan Jane is, simply put, the new black. I fully intend on wearing this beauty at every chance I get–even if that means screaming at my television in the privacy of my own home.
In any case, we weren’t going to let rain ruin good outfits.
A good friend of mine hooked us up with awesome seats that just so happened to be completely covered from the rain! #winning
And just like checking things off a list, after the Pro Bowl we were on to the next task which was buying a bed. Thankfully, we loved our last one so a couple lay-downs on some mattresses and we sealed the deal. Except for the caveat of the deal is waiting until February 22nd for delivery–fingers crossed it’s sooner!
We finally headed home and heated up some leftovers for dinner. We promised friends of ours we would pick them up at the airport, so we showered and caught a late showing of Lone Survivor.
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And just like that…it was time to start a new day.
Follow my full-speed-ahead life here 🙂