The other day I was g-chatting with Sarah (a staple in my day-to-day life) and she directed me to this post. I wasn’t halfway through it before I was nodding my head furiously…YES! Yes, that DOES make me feel better.
I think blogging is a world where it’s pretty easy to make things look a certain way on the surface–the surface being all our social accounts and blogs themselves.
Consider this my version of “seeing behind the curtain”…
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We’ll get things going with this LOVELY photo of me as a child. It might make you feel better to know that I looked like a man in fourth grade. You’re welcome. |
It Might Make You Feel Better To Know…
–My daily outfit is made up entirely of workout gear and my family lovingly refers to it as my uniform.
–I think that by wearing workout gear it will motivate me to work out. I rarely work out anymore.
–If I don’t wear makeup, people generally ask me how long I’ve been sick. #yikes
–If it’s not on sale, I don’t buy it. I will spend hours scouring the interwebs for a coupon for online purchases, then I log into EBates and THEN I make a purchase. It’s a real freaking process.
–I’m a serial snacker. #EatClean2014 might be in full throttle for breakfast, lunch & dinner–but that doesn’t account for the Swedish Fish I’ve been shoveling in my mouth 6 times per day that go unmentioned.
–I do laundry every other day, because dirty clothes laying around freaks me out. I also change the sheets at least every 5 days–because I feel like I’m sleeping in dirt otherwise. Maybe I’m just a clean freak?
— ^ Probably not, because I have no issue letting my coffee cups sit around.
–It takes me no less than 3 pots/pans and 5 bowls to make dinner every night. I’m a messy cook and baker.
–When children scream in restaurants/planes/close quarters, I give disgusted looks, because I find it incredibly irritating. Reason #23947 I should never have a child.
–Reason #1 I should probably not have a child is because I don’t really want one. I never really have. Maybe that will change? Maybe it won’t. It doesn’t make me any less of a woman.
I could probably go on and on and on, but I suppose that is enough for one day. Consider the curtain closed! What are some things that might make ME feel better?