There is nothing that disturbs me more than people who get dogs, only to wind up giving them away because they realize they can’t afford them or don’t have enough time for them. It just plain makes me mad. Although having a new puppy in your home can bring a lot of joy to your life, having a puppy is not all fun and games all the time. Are you ready for a puppy? Here are 5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Get A Dog. Let’s jump right in…
5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Get A Dog
There is a lot of work that must go into raising a puppy, from training your new pup to giving it the appropriate time, attention and care. It is important that you understand what you are getting yourself into before heading to the Humane Society or breeder to bring home a cute little fur ball. Ask yourself the following five questions to determine if you are ready to get a puppy.

1 – Do you have the time and energy required to take care of a puppy?
Being a dog owner can be very rewarding, but you have to have the time and energy required to meet his needs. If you are single and you work 18 hours a day, you may not have the time and energy necessary to be a dog owner at this time.
2 – What type of dog can conform to your lifestyle and your surroundings?
If you live in a tiny studio apartment, you should probably plan on getting a puppy that will stay small throughout its life. Large dogs need a lot of space to run around and get their energy out. Some breeds of dogs require more attention and free space than others. The climate and weather where you live may also play a significant role in the type of dog you can have. Do your research to determine what type of dog can best conform to your lifestyle and surroundings.
3 – Will you have time to take your dog for walks?
Some dogs require more exercise than others but almost all dogs need to get out and go on walks at some point. If you really want a puppy but you are not able to be home very often to take him on walks, consider investing in a dog walker.
4 – Do you know how to house train a dog?
Brand new puppies need some time and a lot of training before they are pleasant to have around the house. If you do not want to deal with having your things chewed up or finding little puddles around the house and you do not have the time or money to train your dog, you may want to consider an older dog that is already housebroken.
5 – Can you afford the right food and dog supplies?
Even if you receive a puppy for free or for a really great price, be prepared to put a lot of money into raising your dog throughout his life. Not only will your dog need dog food, but he will need dog bowls, a collar, a leash, bedding, toys, and doctor’s visits. You may also choose to invest in other items for your dog such as a bark collar or electric fence that will allow you to control your dog better. Make sure that you are able to set aside money for these expenses and others that come up throughout your dog’s life.
Once you have decided that you want a new puppy and that you are able to handle the responsibility that comes with taking care of them, relax and enjoy your new furry friend. As the saying goes, there is not better friend than a dog 🙂
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