I’m not going to lie, this weekend was so productive–just like my last week! I LOVE weekends like that. On Friday, Dane had his procedure and it went really, really well, so thank you everyone for the well wishes! We spent most of the day at the hospital, but it was followed by a relaxing evening, which was definitely needed.
Saturday I played co-host for good friend’s baby shower. It was an Under The Sea theme and I really love how everything came together. I could not be more excited to meet her sweet baby girl this summer 🙂
Sunday Dane and I got to sleep in (7:30AM, WOOHOO!) and then hit up a local farmer’s market. We tried espresso jelly and gluten free brick oven pizza with organic pork, spinach and onions. Both were incredible and we can’t wait to make Sundays at the farmer’s market a new thing. We also shopped for some more honeymoon clothes and updates to both of our wardrobes. For some reason, I always find this necessary.
How was your weekend?