Well first of all, there’s this.
If there’s ever a time in my life where I should not be taking a selfie, it is in the car. I am a horrible driver and regardless of if I’m driving or not, I should be paying attention and following by example.
There is one thing I’d like to point out to you in the above photo and it’s the abnormally bright shade of white my teeth are. Humblebrag to the max, yes, but damn, I am impressed. Want to know how they got that way? Organic coconut oil.
First of all, let me preface this by saying that at first, I was completely grossed out by oil pulling. The thought of putting a tablespoon of oil in my mouth for 20 minutes at a time made me want to gag. But thanks to some friends (Hi Lexi and Jason!!) telling me their amazing results, I was convinced. What was the worst that could happen?
So, what exactly do I do? I take a tablespoon of organic
coconut oil and swish it around in my mouth for 20 minutes every day.
That’s it. You’re going to have to trust me on this one—it works.
I’ll start with the negatives, because there is only 1–my jaw begins to hurt around minute 18, because I’m constantly swishing the oil around.
1. My teeth are noticeably whiter. I have had professional whitening done in the past, but I always am in constant pursuit ofthe Xerox-white-nearly-glow-in-the-dark shade, so I am quite pleased with the result.
2. Back in March, I developed the really awful habit of grinding my teeth in my sleep. I couldn’t figure out the cause of it (sometimes it’s stressed related), but taking Advil every morning really was getting old and the sleeping retainers were no help. I am proud to say that 22 days into oil pulling, I have stopped grinding and wake up headache-free!
3. My gums look and feel cleaner. I know this sounds crazy, but I do the gum check on my own teeth like they do that the dentist where they tap right above the tooth and see if it changes colors. I’m a hygiene freak, okay?
4. This is a weird one, but I always feel like I have an Almond Joy in my mouth when I’m swishing. It helps that I LOVE coconut!
Because I’m a freak of nature so loving and caring, I also sprung this idea on Dane. He’s not sold yet, but has done it occasionally and has seen results in the handful of times he’s done it. If you buy the coconut oil and it doesn’t work out, you can always make this really awesome body scrub I made last year.
And before I make you all think I’m actually nuts, I should probably get out of here, but not before I take a poll on what the general consensus is on rompers? I used to be of the firm belief that rompers were for children and octogenarians who never left the 60s. Now, I’m kind of in a weird spot because I find myself more and more attracted to them. Not only that, I may or may not have spent $75 to have two sent to my house so I can try these jumpsuits on in the privacy of my own home. I am also terrified of having to pee so badly and being unable to mess with buttons and zippers.
So tell me I’m not alone in this romper and oil pulling madness!