…and I mean it.
Seriously, let’s talk about how the past 48 of my life have gone.
We went from this:
To this:
And yes, that is Dane (the hero of my life) holding Judy with her IV in. |
All within a day.
Let’s rewind a little bit shall we?
Things were going great on Friday. We were done with a hellish work week, drinking wine and getting ready for bed when I see a little furry something scurry across my kitchen floor. Normally Dane would say I’m being crazy, it’s a gecko, relax. But no–this this had fur and a tail and he saw it too. Not twenty minutes later, we are buying out every rodent repellent, trap and poison WalMart has to offer.
Thank you sweet baby Jesus that one of them worked, because my neurotic self would have lost my mind. As you can see, I bought EVERYTHING. For the record, it ate every bit of the food in the old-school trap and nada on the trapping aspect of things.
Moving right along, I wanted to get out of the house and away from the rodent circus for awhile. So we enjoyed a family fitness challenge up Koko Head Crater. I don’t want to tell you how many times I swore. But we all did it. All 1,068 railroad ties of it. Whew.
Then we stuffed our faces with burritos, showered and went to bed at 7PM. I wish I was kidding, but we were smoked after that little fitness/hiking adventure.
And here’s where you should probably check out if you’re of the weak stomach variety. At 5AM, I woke up to the smell of dog shit. I’ll spare you the details but poor Judy had it everywhere and all over her–all within her crate. Okay, awesome, let’s clean this up. Dane took her outside, I washed her crate, the surrounding area, etc. and we thought we were good to go. We gave her a bath, let her calm down, limited her water intake and boiled a piece of chicken for her upset stomach.
No sooner had she gotten a shred of chicken, she projectile vomited DOG POOP all over our white couch. Yes you read correctly–she vomited poop.
The next several hours are a bit of a blur, but the short of it is that our poor baby had a bacterial infection in her intestine that she could have had for weeks, months, who knows how long, and it finally decided to rear its ugly head. The poop vomit was a result of all of that and had it continued, really bad things could have happened.
So how is Judy now? She’s okay, but is the saddest little puppy you’d ever want to see being connected to IVs and with a cone. I know she is in good hands with the ICU doctors, but it breaks my heart to see her so sick. Hopefully we will be able to bring her home soon, but positive thoughts are always appreciated!
And for those of you wondering how our couch fared….9.5 hours after renting a rug doctor, our house smells like a bleach-y fresh oasis 😉
Happy Monday…if there is such a thing.