Sometimes when life gets going and the going is good…I forget I have a blog. There, now that I’ve addressed THAT large elephant, let’s recap, shall we?
First and foremost, I’m alive! I’m here! I haven’t forgotten about any of you, just this space has taken a backseat temporarily while the final bits of our wedding come together. I can’t even believe that 18 months of planning have culminated into one giant, sure-to-be amazing event; I can’t wait! All of the details are finally getting ironed out and I’ve been back in PA busily arranging appointments and getting my wedding craft on. Can you say glitter and spray paint? I can. So can my parent’s driveway.
And just because I love you all so much, I’m going to leave you with this
This all began last Monday when I flew from Hawaii to Pennsylvania. The first of my three flights was overnight. The glorious red-eye out of Honolulu where I can simply go to sleep. Awesome. I arrived in Seattle, took my seat on my new plane and was greeted by an overweight passenger whose fat rolls poked me the entire 4.5 hours to Detroit. After a quick anti-bac rubdown, I hopped a plane to Baltimore where a mom walked on with her two kids on leashes. I should have really questioned this from the beginning, like, if your kid needs a leash in public, they should not leave the house. In any case, as soon as we board the flight, the daughter immediately begins projectile vomiting as she runs up and down the aisles, her monkey backpack leash trailing behind her. It was all just as lovely as it sounds.
The lesson here is not to leash your children…it’s booking a direct flight out of Honolulu.
And on that note, I have welcome bags to assemble. Be sure to follow along on Instagram for more frequent updating through the next week or so–somehow it’s much easier to snap & upload there 😉