Something about the phrase guilty pleasures insinuates I’m supposed to feel bad about any of the items I’m about to divulge. Here’s a spoiler for you: I don’t.
Why should I feel bad about…
-binge watching television shows in a single weekend. If they were meant to be spaced out over time, wouldn’t they release them one week at a time? #foodforthought
-taking two showers per day. Ain’t no shame in good hygiene!
-being OCD about cleaning my house, keeping my desk tidy and making sure my house (with a heavy emphasis on my bedroom and kitchen) smells good. For that last one, that’s most definitely code for buying out stock in wall plug-ins, candles and aromatic oils from The Body Shop.
-always picking the window seat on a plane so I don’t have to be bothered for in-flight bathroom users.
-taking my dog with my everywhere. If I wanted a stationary animal that stayed home all the time I’d get a fish.
-yelling at the television during ‘Love It or List It’. Sometimes I wish I could shake sense into people, particularly those making shitty choices in homes.
Okay, now that we’ve settled those things–what are your guilty pleasures?