Usually I do a full weekend round-up, but this is one of those times I’m skipping that altogether to make room for something better entirely–our military ball last week! I always love the opportunity to get dressed up, cash in on a chance to spend the night at a hotel, drink, dance and have fun with our military friends. In Hawaii they call it our “ohana” and honestly–it really is. We had such a great time and I must say, I had the best looking date in the place 😉
Halfway through the night I got an even bigger surprise when I was awarded the Essayons Award.
This award pays homage to all the great spouses across the Engineer
Regiment. The AEA established the Essayons Award to honor spouses who
have voluntarily made significant contributions to the morale, welfare,
and spirit of engineer units and organizations. In order to maintain the
value and prestige of the award, we have established criteria that must
be met in order for a nomination to be approved: (1) The nominee should
be the spouse of an engineer Soldier or engineer DOD civilian. (2) The
nominees spouse should be a member of AEA. (3) The nominee should be a
spouse who has voluntarily provided significant contributions and
support to the Engineer Corps, engineer units, engineer families, and/or
multiple communities. (4) Most importantly, the spouse must possess
qualities that set the individual apart from other Engineer Corps
spouses or their peers. Spouses of military and civilian personnel from
the Active Army, Army Reserve, or Army National Guard are eligible.
Regiment. The AEA established the Essayons Award to honor spouses who
have voluntarily made significant contributions to the morale, welfare,
and spirit of engineer units and organizations. In order to maintain the
value and prestige of the award, we have established criteria that must
be met in order for a nomination to be approved: (1) The nominee should
be the spouse of an engineer Soldier or engineer DOD civilian. (2) The
nominees spouse should be a member of AEA. (3) The nominee should be a
spouse who has voluntarily provided significant contributions and
support to the Engineer Corps, engineer units, engineer families, and/or
multiple communities. (4) Most importantly, the spouse must possess
qualities that set the individual apart from other Engineer Corps
spouses or their peers. Spouses of military and civilian personnel from
the Active Army, Army Reserve, or Army National Guard are eligible.
I hope everyone else had a fantastic weekend! 🙂