Isn’t it funny how Moms have a way of making everything better? I don’t know what it is about having mine around that just makes life seem brighter and happier–but she does! For the past week, my mom and I cruised around Oahu exploring and adventuring.
Driving down a road and spy a sandy space we wanted to explore? Whhhewwwwwwww <– that’s me pulling the car off with wheels squealing. Okay, my wheels never squealed, but we absolutely stopped at every single beach and tried to hit up a new one, in a new corner of the island every day she was here. We never had a plan and went wherever the wind blew us. IT. WAS. THE. BEST. EVER.
In between we managed to eat, shop, binge watch Mad Men, play with Judy, drink 2-3 cups of coffee per day and just chat about everything. I am so lucky to have a mom who not only champions my ideas and dreams, but tells when I’m being a huge pain in the ass or need to stop worrying over something I can’t control. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if I become half the woman she is, I will have succeeded.