I’ll tell you one thing that 30 cumulative hours on a plane gives you — a lot of time for reading and watching movies. I binge watched and read until my heart was content and my bum was ready to deplane.
First up: Movies.
I love airplanes that give you your own private movie screen so you don’t have to watch the same lame production as everyone else. Ya feel me?
I will give fair warning that every single movie I watched made me cry. Why I pick movies like this is beyond me, but it always happens. Cinderella, McFarland USA and We Bought A Zoo — all must-watches in my opinion. I also watched a terribly sad and inspirational documentary on Progeria (a terminal disease that makes children age at warp speed) that was featured on HBO. I don’t recommend watching it — SO SO SAD.
Next up: What I Read
What You Left Behind
by: Samantha Hayes
This was my latest Blogging For Books recommendation. This book is dark (think: Gillian Flynn), so I knew right away that I was going to be intrigued. The plot surrounds a town that is recuperating from a string of teenage suicides. Dark family secrets slowly creep out and not everything is as it seems. I love how quick this book seemed to go because I was so interested in the plot. The only thing that got a tad bit confusing was that each chapter switched narrator’s with no indication (aside from tone) who was speaking. It usually took me a paragraph or so to decide who was narrating/what was going on. That being said, I would highly recommend this for anyone who enjoys Gillian Flynn or Liane Moriarty.
by: Cheryl Strayed
If I’m being totally honest, I had no intention of ever reading this book. When it became popular from the movie, I was even less interested. Then, my friend recommended it to me after she admitted she couldn’t put it down. I figured it would be a worthwhile plane read and I was SO RIGHT. This book is amazing and everything I could ever want from literature — to feel informed, inspired and like the author is sitting right beside me. If I’m being honest, I was Cheryl to be my new best friend. (Cheryl if you’re reading, HI!!!) Her raw honesty and genuine nature is 100% captivating, making this an absolute MUST READ. Like, go get it right now.
What have you read or watched lately that I should know about?