Tell me I’m not alone when I say that as bloggers, there’s always a little bit of hesitation about what we put out here on our little corners of the interwebs. I mean, for anyone who doesn’t know it yet, the internet is pretty much forever. If you’ve ever written it or posted it, someone, somewhere, could probably find it. Kind of creepy, eh?
But let me tell you about a couple of other creepy things I’ve recently encountered.
1. Selling panties.
Every now and then, I get the urge to completely rid my house of things that aren’t being used. This includes clothes that still have price tags attached to them. I know, I know. Hold your groans. So when I stumble upon lots like this, I put them all in a bag and post them up on Craigslist. The other day, my e-nail dinged with a notification someone might be interested, so when I opened it up to see this request, my jaw kind of dropped. I thought this shit only happened on Orange Is The New Black!
For what it’s worth, no underwear was included in the bag of clothes (ew), or sold to Mr. Completely Normal.
2. Requests for photos of my feet.
So when my good ol’ friend from Craigslist isn’t sending me e-mails asking for my used and unwashed underwear, my other best pal on Facebook is requesting photos of my feet.
Let me clue you into something buddy, I have bunions from years of stuffing my feet into heels for a night of debauchery with my sorority sisters..AIN’T NOBODY WANT TO SEE THAT! Needless to say, Donald the foot man never got a response from me.
3. Baby role playing.
Have you ever been browsing Instagram so late at night that you have one eye open and the other squinted aimlessly scrolling through feeds? No? Just me…?
Well anyway, sometimes this happens to me. Not long ago, I found a pretty successful account who happened to have a separate account that was “run” by this person’s child. Yeah don’t ask…I thought it was fucking bizarre, too. In any case, one of the comments was #babyroleplay, tagged by a suspicious account. Being the curious person I am, I clicked.
DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN. Not only does it make me never want to post photos of my non-esitent child on the internet, it makes me want to report every single social media account that takes part in this disgusting activity. People are sick.
And on that note…
Where do you draw the line on the internet? Have you encountered anything creepy?