Way back in September, I posted a squat challenge on my blog and Facebook for all my readers to get their junk in the trunk a little bit more firm with a 100 squats per day. Surprisingly, I had a lot of people join me (sometimes crazy fitness challenges are hit or miss). I heard back from a lot of you who said they loved it, were sore, saw results, etc. It was FAB! So at the end of 30 days, I decided to keep on doing my daily 100 squat routine. I was at the point where whenever I was standing still, I was dropping into a squat anyhow, so I thought…what the heck?! So, here we are 5 months later and I’m still dropping that booty 100 times a day to keep my derriere in check. Crazy, I know, but I suppose it has sort of become part of my routine and heaven knows my Type A loves a good routine! Aside from the routine, though, I’ve learned a couple things in the process. So, today I’m sharing what I learned by doing 100 squats per day.

What I Learned By Doing 100 Squats Per Day
1. Start squatting before your mind even knows what is happening. I know this sounds absurd, but I find that if I can bust out 50 before I even leave my bedroom in the morning, I’m golden. 25 when I first get out of bed and 25 while I’m brushing my teeth is usually my target. 25 more while my coffee brews and then I only need to complete 25 more to make my daily goal. #winning The first squat is always so the hardest, so just get them out of the way early!

2. You won’t see immediate results. In fact, I’m just now seeing some nearly 6 months in and I don’t have a good before/after to share. But! I will say that when you do start see them, they’re great! You bet your sweet ass (no pun intended) that I’m proud of the results I’ve worked hard for and I’ve also noticed changes in core strength and definition in my legs!
3. Don’t get discouraged when you see muscle, not weight loss. This was a tough pill for me to swallow and sort of goes hand-in-hand with #2. The number on the scale actually went up for me, which was quite upsetting at first.
Speaking of bottoms, this…

In fact, I had a really good heart-to-heart with Jess from Glisten Fit about this problem when I went to put on a pair of my favorite jeans and they wouldn’t go past my behind. I was nearly in tears being like…JESS WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?! HELP A SISTER OUT! Thankfully, she pointed me in the right direction for some new jeans and new perspective.
4. You can do hard things if you push yourself. The first day of my September squat challenge, I was huffing and cursing myself. Why the hell did I ever agree to this? But each day it got easier and like I said before, now it’s almost second nature.
Have you ever done a fitness challenge? What did you learn in the process? If you liked this post, you might also enjoy 7 Hotel Room Workouts Under 10 Minutes, 4 Free Arms Workouts That Toned My Arms In 6 Months, or 10 Amazing YouTube Workouts Under 30 Minutes!