After I saw Alex‘s post on her best beach day ever, I felt kind of! I’ve been in Hawaii for over three years and have zero good photos of sea turtles, even though we’ve seen them plenty of times at the beach.
Well, all of that changed when Dane and I hit one of our favorite beaches on Saturday. We love this particular beach, because usually we are the only ones there. It’s a great place for us to take the dogs without bothering others, we can relax and aren’t vying for a spot with a million other families.
We set up our chairs and started chatting, when all of a sudden I looked to the surf and saw at least half a dozen sea turtles (know as honu here in Hawaii) just floating in the waves. I hopped out of my chair with my camera faster than I think I’ve ever moved.
TOTALLY WORTH IT! I think I stood there for 30 minutes silently snapping and watching them swim around and feed off the algae.
One of my favorite things was seeing the sun shine through the surf and watching the turtles just roll around in the waves!
I’m going to have to second Alex’s statement…definitely the best beach day ever!