If you ever come to my house, it’s almost a guarantee that I’m going to offer you some kind of food. Another guarantee is that said food was probably made in my Vitamix. I’m not going to lie, getting this amazing machine was one of the smartest things Dane and I ever did. It challenges us to eat more healthy, fresh foods and less shit from a bag. #realtalk Today I’m sharing 10 Must-Try Recipes For Your Vitamix!
10 Must-Try Recipes For Your Vitamix
10 Must-Try Recipes For Your Vitamix
These are my ten favorite Vitamix recipes and the ones that I make weekly, but there are so many others out there! Seriously, this machine could turn my right leg into a pureed soup — it DOES NOT mess around. This is also probably a great time to say that Vitamix does not pay or endorse me to sing their praises, I just love quality products that do what they say they’re going to do — and Vitamix is one of them! Now, on to the recipes.
1. Hummus. I could eat my weight in hummus and carrots or hummus and cucumbers. Making it in my Vitamix is such a breeze that I don’t even feel bad about how much I consume. 1 can of garbanzo beans, 1 tsp. cumin, 1 generous squirt of lemon juice and 2 cloves of garlic. Throw that baby on 1 and watch the magic happen.
2. Carrot and Papaya Smoothie. This is my breakfast of champions. 1/2 a papaya, handful of baby carrots, 1/2 cup Greek yogurt and a handful of ice. Choose the smoothie setting and GO!
3. Gluten Free Flours. Coconut and Almond flours, if you’ve never purchased them, will cost you about a million dollars and your next unborn baby. Thankfully, I’ve started saving money by making my own! A little bit of legwork has saved us a ton of money. I love this recipe for almond flour from Simply Whole Foods.
4. Peanut Butter. Okay so now that you know I like to save money when it comes to food, you won’t be shocked to know I make my own peanut butter. 3 cups of unsalted peanuts will get you an amazing homemade peanut butter. I make this several times a week, because I can usually inhale a full cup on my own. #realtalk
5. Powdered Sugar. Also known as confectioner’s sugar and also known as $1.99 that I no longer spend at the grocery store for baking. I throw my granulated sugar in my Vitamix, turn it up gradually and watch as powdered sugar appears in my canister.
6. Chicken Burgers. I’m a huge fan of the chicken burger, but good luck finding organic ground chicken on this island. Thankfully, I can just throw a raw chicken breast in my Vitamix and watch the blades go to town making my own!
7. Cauliflower Rice. Never again will I spend hours chunking up cauliflower to shove into my food processor — that takes a lot of time that I honestly don’t have. I take the stems off and throw the whole head into my canister and WHAM BAM, THANK YOU MA’M — cauliflower rice. This is also a great time to mention that this rice can be made into pizza crust with enough work!
8. Banana Breakfast Muffins. These are so good I could probably eat the whole tray given the opportunity. 1 banana, 1/2 cup peanut butter, 1 egg, 1/4 teaspoon baking powder, 1 tbsp. agave and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract all thrown into the Vitamix on low, medium, then high and portioned into muffin tins makes the best breakfast ever! Cook your muffins for 8 minutes at 375.
9. Iced Coffee. Brew a pot of coffee the night before and instead of having a hot cup this summer — enjoy it “on the rocks”. I take 1 cup cold coffee, splash of milk/creamer/coconut milk/whatever I have and half a cup of ice and blend it on the smoothie setting. It’s a refreshing treat to liven up my mornings!
10. Pie Crust. Cutting cold butter into anything is the bane of my existence. Seriously — I cannot stand it. So knowing I’m able to just throw all the ingredients in and have what I want in 3 minutes (as opposed to God know however long it would take me otherwise) is the best. I feel the same way about making pizza crust!
And I would be remiss in not mentioning my favorite part of this whole thing and that’s the way I clean it. I fill the canister with warm water, a drop of soap and then turn that puppy up as high as it goes. The damn thing washes itself! What could be better? A simple rinse at the end and you’re ready to go for your next recipe!
Do you have a Vitamix? What’s your favorite thing to make in it?

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