Okay, I have to admit something to all of you…If you’ve been a loyal reader since the beginning, this will likely not come as a shock, but for anyone that’s new…here you go: I AM A CHRISTMAS FREAK. Particularly when it comes to Christmas cards.
Each year, I try to out do what we did last year and I like for our card to be the first one in people’s mailboxes each year so it goes at the top of any Christmas card holder you might have in your house. I know, I know, I am a mental case. But, it’s true. I put a lot of time and effort into planning our cards, so I want them to get some serious run time. Can you blame me?
This year, I think I have a new personal record for how soon I was able to pick my photos, my card design and layouts. You see, when our life was all up in the air this summer trying to figure out where we might move, I had family photos done here in Hawaii just in case we didn’t end up staying on this tropical little island. Thankfully, we ended up staying, but half the battle (the photos) of our cards, was already done! Fast forward to August when I went to BlogHer and was introduced to Mixbook, where photo dreams come alive. Known for everything from wedding invitations to canvas prints, photo albums to thank you cards — Mixbook has you covered for all of life’s photo-worthy occasions.
As soon as I saw their selection of photo cards , I knew they were who I would be using this year for our Christmas cards!
Once I had time to actually sit down and browse their collections, I have to admit – I was overwhelmed. There were pages upon pages of photo card options and even though I felt like I would never be able to narrow it down — I did. This year, I went with four different designs instead of sending everyone the same card. Honestly, this wasn’t planned, but I just couldn’t pick a single design I loved and forgo not getting one of the other ones!
I loved how easy it was to upload the select photos I wanted to use and drag and drop them into the various designs I was interested in. Because of the size and shape of the photos I wanted to use, I was easily able to rule our certain designs with this tool, so hats off to Mixbook for that.
Because we live in Hawaii, I always want to steer clear of things like snow globes, snow men, basically all snow in general…and go with something a bit more happy and light.
Thankfully, there was an entire selection of water color designs that just spoke to me. It allowed me to be festive without making a snow angel or building a fire. WINNING! *Not that there is anything wrong with snow or log cabin fires (we occasionally crave that!), but Christmas is usually sunny and 70 here 😉
I’ll be honest, once I place my order for anything, I’m like a dog with a bone when it comes to actually getting it in the mail. From the time I placed my order to the time it actually arrived on my doorstep was 4 freaking days. FOUR. From the printer, across the ocean and into my mailbox — all it took was four days and it didn’t cost me an arm and a leg in shipping, which is always a special bonus when having things shipped to Hawaii. Take note, other companies, Mixbook is doing something right.
The cards were all printed on high quality stock paper and came individually wrapped so I could see each design without having to shuffle through any packaging. Of course, I ripped them all open anyhow, because I wanted to inspect every detail!
It’s safe to say I’ll be turning to Mixbook for future photo products! And with all the extra time I have this year, maybe I’ll finally get around to hand lettering all my envelopes so our recipients have something pretty to look forward to…!
*Special thanks to Mixbook for partnering on this post. All opinions expressed are my own.