How To Buy A House In Hawaii


There are loopholes to every rule, right? Right. With that in mind, there are things you will have to pay for at closing a.k.a. when you can get the keys to your new place. For costs associated with the loan, you will usually have to pay an origination fee, appraisal fee, home inspection fee and title charge.
Sometimes you’ll even need to pay for the credit report the lender had to run to get your credit score and other information. For non-loan related costs, you will need to pay recording fees (the people who write down and verify you are the new owner on a state level), prepayment of your property taxes and homeowners insurance, prorated interest (unless you settle on the 31st of any given month), and any HOA fees associated with the property.*It’s important to note here that in Hawaii, you do not get your keys at your closing. Your money has to sit in escrow for 48 hours before you are able to get the keys!