Okay, so this year already has me rocking and rolling! Anyone else?
First things first – I got things going with a brand new look around here. A complete overhaul of every nook, cranny and page, so feel free to poke around a bit. It’s all fresh, new and, to me, the best possible representation of the brand I’ve worked so hard to build.
Speaking of said brand, as of February 1, 2017, I’ll have been blogging for SIX YEARS. Holy heaven…that’s a crazy long time, so for those that have been reading since the beginning — THANK YOU!
So, what have I been up to since we last checked in?
I’m so glad you asked!
Dane and I welcomed the new year with a lot of sparklers at a friend’s house before heading home early to take care of Judy & Bill. Sadly, it’s the worst day of the year for those two, who were shaking live leaves the entire night. We learned our neighbors double as professional firework launchers, so it’s safe to say we won’t need to go anywhere for all the firework-heavy holidays in the upcoming year. Ha!
We also took a chance to empty out our glass jar full of 2016’s wishes and mementos to make room for all that 2017 has in store. It’s always a highlight to see what we were feeling, thinking and wishing during the seemingly mundane days of the year. When I posted it on Instagram, everyone seemed to love this idea, though, truly, I never thought it to be anything special?! Hopefully others pick this fun tradition for their own families!
Map | Cart | Jar | Bottle Opener
New Year’s Day I spent mostly lounging around the house trying to kick a sinus infection that just won’t freaking quit, updating this space with the help of my designer and cheering on my Detroit Lions. It ended poorly for everything but this blog! I’m still sick and the Lions lost, but hey, here is this pretty space 😉
In addition to the blog getting a swanky new makeover, so did my home office! I’ve been lusting over the wallpaper trend for awhile now, so when we bought the house, I knew I wanted to implement it somewhere that would make me happy. My office was the lucky destination and the whimsical watercolor print just makes me smile whenever I look at it. If you’re in the market for any wallpaper for yourself, I can’t recommend Betapet enough!
And of course I cheered my Nittany Lions on when they took the field in Pasadena for the Rose Bowl! Sadly, the outcome was not what we wanted, BUT! I have to take a minute to say how genuinely proud I am of the team this year. How can I be sad seeing how far we’ve come? We watched the game with a crowd of USC alum, so it made the banter fun and it wasn’t a blowout (sorry OSU fans…that was ugly), so it was an enjoyable game to watch.
Plus there was a freaking amazing Bloody Mary bar with every sort of topping you can imagine..!
After the game we rushed home to let the dogs out, change our clothes and get back into the car for the Straight No Chaser performance. It was a gift Dane got me for our anniversary way back in August and I had been counting down for MONTHS! Needless to say, they didn’t disappoint. If you’ve never heard of them, they’re an a-cappella group of singers who do all sorts of mash-ups, originals and covers of all your favorite songs. Oldies, pop, country, classic, holiday…you see where this is going. They’re wildly talented and even Dane was like…damn!
And today it’s back to work! It seems like this “break” flew by faster than most do and for that I’m super sad, but I’m also VERY excited for all the fun projects and adventures 2017 holds. How is your new year so far? What’s on your to-do list?