Happy Friday, friends! WE DID IT! THE WEEKEND IS….HERE!
Admittedly, I have a lot to share today so maybe we will go with 7 on Friday, or maybe even 10? Bear with me!
1. For starters, I finally got my shit together and meal planned for the week for the first time since my mom left. It felt SO GOOD knowing what we were going to have every single night without starting the “what’s for dinner?” process that begins promptly at 4PM. I loved being in total relax mode with my mom here, but then I just never really left it and it became total lazy mode. I swear, that whole dinner vacillating takes YEARS off my life, so attention had to be paid. One of the nights we had buffalo cauliflower tacos. I added in some guacamole, Trader Joe’s Tomato-Less Corn Salsa, black beans and Silk yogurt with lime juice. They were REALLY FREAKING GOOD. I didn’t follow a specific recipe, I just sort of made it up as I went along, which sometimes yields the best results, am I right?
2. Earlier this week, Chelsea wrote a post on must-reads around the internet and one of them was an article titled “Green Ain’t Your Color“. I LOVE wearing green so I thought…hmmm –> CLICK! Turns out, it wasn’t fashion related at all. IT. WAS. SO. MUCH. BETTER. It’s a must read for anyone who has ever felt even the tiniest twinge of jealousy.
“And remember that if someone else is living your dream, it doesn’t mean you can’t get it, too. There can be more than one full-time blogger. There can be more than one dream home, more than one good man (or woman), more than one degree, more than one weight loss, more than one dream job, more than one dream life. Just because it happens for someone faster doesn’t mean there’s none left for you. That’s a garbage way to live life. There’s room at the table for us all.”
3. Last weekend Dane and I went shopping since the weather on Oahu wasn’t participating in our beach day plans. Ah well, shopping is a good back up, right? Right. In any case, I found the most adorable palm print sleep shorts. They are comfortable, perfect for summer months and CHEAP. That’s right – I said it. I like a good deal just as much as the next person, so for a limited time you can score your own for $10! Use the code ‘SWEET’ at checkout!
4. I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw this meme. With the unicorn craze going on, the meme universe certainly capitalized and created this gem.
5. I took a class at the gym this week called RIPPED, because I’ve seen posters for it everywhere ever since I started going to this gym…oh about 5 year ago now. So I decided I needed to suck it up and just see what it was like. After all, I could always just leave, right? So I went and HOLY MOTHER OF SIN – I was so sore the next day I could barely move. I was moving muscles I didn’t even know I had. I now know they call it ripped, because that’s how you feel the next day – ripped from limb to limb….kind of like you sent your body through a paper shredder. Needless to say, it might be awhile before I’m willfully ready to sign myself up for that again.
6. And speaking of feeling exhausted…
The Hanson Labs were chosen to be calendar models! YAY! HOORAY! EXCITING! Except when you actually want them to do something, they will do the exact opposite. Two hours of outdoor photoshoot time and I was feeling a little SPENT.
7. I don’t want to be presumptuous, but I think my fiddle leaf fig plant and I have turned a corner. In our initial days together, the dang thing left me wondering if I was destined to kill each and every plant that passed the threshold of my home. Turns out, the fiddle just wanted a little TLC, so in addition to only one watering a week, I gently wipe off her leaves and tell her good morning each and every day when I make my coffee. Call me crazy, but I have a new leaf bud growing where it used to be dead, brown and shriveled. Any other fickle fiddle owners out there?!
Well, I think that about sums everything up. I hope you had the best week and are gearing up for a lovely weekend!
TGIF, baby!
Linking up with 5 On Friday & High 5 For Friday