Whew! This week was a doozy – anyone else? I just kept asking myself, how is it only X day? Or X time? It seemed like everything was moving in slow motion, which would have been great if I felt like I was accomplishing a ton of things, but alas – I don’t even feel like I did a ton. Oh well – there’s always next week, am I right? Here’s to a relaxing weekend, everyone!
Okay, so on to the good stuff…5 on Friday! I look forward to these posts, because it’s always a mish mash of what I’m loving, finds of the week or something that made me laugh. Let’s get right to it.
1. I was recently featured over on Verbal Gold Blog for my Ultimate List of Activities here on Oahu. If you’re planning a trip, you should totally check it out!
2. Who needs a good brunch drink recipe? I got you. I stumbled upon this Elderflower Grapefruit Mimosa recipe and I haven’t been able to stop drooling. How amazing does this look?! Recipe here.
3. I have been having some serious customer service issues lately (one rep told me they only shipped things to the United States…face palm), but I have to take some time to thank Delta for going above and beyond. I recently booked a trip to NY for my best friend’s wedding this fall and a week after booking, I got an alert that my recently booked flight now had FIVE connections. What in the what..?! Worse, it now arrived much later than I had booked. I reached out and they responded immediately, gave me options, researched new ways to get me there on time and did it all in a friendly manner. In a day and age where customer service seems to be flying out the window – bravo, Delta!
4. Huge shoutout to everyone who wrote me after I hit publish on my diet and exercise update post. YOU ALL are the real inspiration! I was blown away by how many of you said you were also transforming your lives and body, sent update photos, said you were starting your own journey and/or were inspired by mine. Blogging and social media can often be a weird mix of putting yourself out there and also trying to be genuine, honest and build a community. It’s safe to say that hearing from all of you was the best part of my week.
5. Our banana trees are raining bananas, people. RAINING. I think we have about 100 we haven’t even cut down from the tree yet and I’m drowning in all things banana. So tell me – what are your favorite banana recipes? I’ve got banana bread and acai bowls covered for the next 456 years, but I need something new to add to my banana repertoire. Also, how many times can I say banana in one paragraph? 😉
Happy weekend, all!
Linking up with 5 On Friday & High 5 For Friday