Man, it was a hot one! Anyone else feel the scorch of the summer sun where they are?
We had a busy weekend of running errands, but we did get a chance to relax by the beach for a few hours and enjoy some time in the sun, as opposed to just cursing it for making us SO sweaty and hot.
We also watched this insane movie with Owen Wilson that neither of us remember ever coming out in the theaters. It was called “No Escape” – the gist of it is that he and his family go on a trip to another country to check out a new job opportunity for Owen Wilson. While they are there, a coup occurs and they have to get out ASAP. The movie definitely kept me on the edge of my seat, but it never really fleshes out why Owen Wilson is the target, nor what the job is, so you’re left with a lot of questions unanswered.
We also checked out The Surfjack’s Summer Market, which was nice, but packed! It being super hot, plus a lot of people jammed in a small space left me totally uninspired to browse, but I did see a bunch of cute things I might be interested in checking out during their next showcase. After all, it’s No Spend July 😉
And finally, I was going through old photos and came across this gem. It was right before Dane left for Afghanistan in front of the very first house we ever lived in together. Ah, memories!
And now, the best of what’s around…I mean – the internet! Lately I’ve felt really uninspired while browsing the dear ole web. I’m not sure if it’s a summer slump or people are just genuinely not engaging and sharing their heart like they usually do – either way…the following are winners.
10 Beach Reads For Summer 2017
29 Things You Need To Start Doing For Yourself (numbers 9 + 10 speak to me on a special level!)
A Tattoo Artist’s Proposal (uhhh – I’m really happy she said yes!)
Funniest Tweets About Parenting (I’m not a parent, but these had me ROLLING!)
How was your weekend?