1. It’s hard to me to believe that today marks the 16th anniversary of 9/11. They say that there is always a defining moment for each generation, or a moment in time where you’ll never forget where you were when you found out about XYZ. For me, that was 9/11. I was in a typing class (do those even exist anymore?!) and a fellow student said there were terrorists running around NYC. In my mind, I pictured men with backpacks and guns running around Central Park….I have no idea why! I had no concept of the devastation happening in NYC, western Pennsylvania and D.C. I wrote this post a few years ago as I dropped Dane off for his deployment to Afghanistan and I can honestly say I still feel the same way. May we never forget.
2. I’ve been on the hunt for a good black heeled sandal for a long time now. I never really had a reason to buy any, but when my BFF’s bachelorette weekend was on the horizon, I knew I had an occasion. Of course when I finally wanted to purchase, there were none to be found! The same day I was leaving for the airport, I popped into Target for some necessary in-flight food and stumbled across these beauties. Not only are they comfortable, you can’t beat their price tag! WINNER WINNER!
3. I’ve been getting a fair amount of questions lately about a slew of random topics, so I decided to put together a FAQ post. I’ve never done one before and I put out a call to questions here. Feel free to drop a question here if there’s something you’ve been wanting to know!
4. It’s time for me to bite the bullet on a new camera lens. I shoot on a Nikon and I have my eye on the 24-70. Does anyone use this lens?! And can you talk me off the ledge of “OMG IT IS SO EXPENSIVE?!” I’ve been testing it out from our local camera shop and I’m head over flats for it…but $$$$. GAH!
5. About a week and a half ago, I was sitting at my desk when all of a sudden I started having INSANE stomach pain. And not just normal cramps or the feeling of a stomachache either – these were legitimate pains…like someone was taking a hacksaw to the inside of my stomach…OUCH! I don’t know why I thought this, but I told myself I would feel so much better if I could just take a hot shower. Doubled over in pain, I headed to our bathroom…and that’s the last thing I remember. Dane found me passed out in our bathroom surrounded by my own puke and blood. When I woke up, I was in a hospital bed. It turns out I had a gnarly intestinal infection that I likely picked up during our travels…gross! I spent all of Labor Day weekend catching up on rest and just be thankful it wasn’t something any worse!
6. The first apple pie of the season has come and gone already! I shared this photo on Facebook with the following caption:
“My grandpa loved apple pie and ice cream more than anyone I know. Every year at this time he would call my mom… “Trace, they have good apples at the market.” And she would go get some, make a pie and present him with a piece. Eating every single bite, he would declare “not nearly sweet enough…better try again next week”. And they had this special routine that went on all fall long — more apples, more pies. The truth is, my grandpa loved EVERY single pie she ever made, each one better than the one before. I’m sure he would have A LOT to say about a gluten and dairy free pie (sorry Pap!), but the inaugural apple pie of the season has arrived and is going into the ovenMy grandpa has been gone more than a decade and every single time I use my pie dish, I can’t help but smile thinking how happy he would be to share some together .”
7. Clinique just launched an exclusive line for Ulta called Clinique Fit, a makeup line that is formulated to make you look good while you workout. Say whaaaat?! I wanted in on that goodness immediately, but sadly there are no Ulta stores in Hawaii. Thankfully the Estee Lauder Gods (aka my good friend Hallie) heard my prayers and sent me some samples to test out. I think I’m most excited to test out the face powder and cleansing wipes! Have any of you tested it out yet?
I think that’s all I’ve got for now. I’m currently on a plane back to Hawaii after a whirlwind weekend in upstate NY, so be on the lookout for a recap post coming later this week. Now tell me – what’s new with you?