If you’re looking to brighten your smile, I’m sharing my best tips for how to whiten teeth quickly at home and keep them white!
This is kind of a weird topic to blog on, am I right? But I’ve gotten a few questions lately about how I whiten my teeth. I’ll be totally upfront (and if you’ve been following her for any length of time you might know this), but I am neurotic about brushing my teeth and flossing. When I met Dane and he confessed on our first date that the first thing he notices about someone is their teeth, I knew it was a match made in dental heaven. Ha! But anyway, let’s talk about teeth whitening. Some of you might be shocked to know that I really don’t go out of my way or do anything too fancy!
How I Whiten My Teeth
When I was 17, I had my teeth professionally whitened by my dentist after I was done wearing retainers. They sparkled and I would recommend it over and over again to anyone who is embarrassed by their smile. It IS an investment and one I’m forever grateful to my parents for making in me. They, too, share my enthusiasm for white, sparkly teeth.
In any case, that was more than ten years ago…sigh. But I do my best to keep it up, because…I’m vain. There I said it. I care about my teeth and smile A LOT, probably more than I should, but for the sake of being honest…there you go. I believe the whitening treatment is called “ZOOM Whitening” but just inquire about it the next time you’re at the dentist if it’s something that interests you!
So my secret is brushing my teeth three times a day at the normal times: in the morning, after lunch and at night before bed. I also floss after meals and always before bed. I brush with baking soda once per week (usually on Sundays since it’s an easy day to remember). Baking soda is a theme in my beauty regimen it seems, LOL! See this post for info on that 😉 And then about once a month I use these white strips. There are a ton of whitening strips on the market, but these are the only ones I’ve found to work and LAST.
Do you have any teeth whitening secrets? If so, send them my way!