Happy Thursday, everyone! Today I’m linking up with Danielle for her monthly series, Girl Chat. It’s a fun party on the third Thursday of every month with an interesting new prompt every single time and today’s topic is…guilty pleasures! I knew as soon as I saw it that I wanted to participate, not only because I wanted to share, but because I wanted to read other posts! Anyone else curious about these things too? If so, stick around, because I’m dishing all my guiltiest pleasures today!
Guilty Pleasures
This year, Dane had some airline miles that were going to expire – a use or lose type of situation. We weren’t in need of any airline tickets at the time, but one of the options we were given was to salvage the points by subscribing to a magazine. I felt like a kid on Christmas, because Dane was basically like – just get whatever you want since I already get the magazines I’m interested in. I knew as soon as I saw PEOPLE Magazine was on the list, that’s what I was getting! I have wanted a PEOPLE subscription since I was old enough to spot them in the checkout line at the grocery store. Why am I so fascinated? No clue! But now each week, I know I have my dose of celebrity gossip to look forward to!
Biore pore strips. I talked about them yesterday, but honestly my favorite part is peeling them off and seeing all the crap that comes out of my pores. I always feel so clean when it’s done and inspecting all the dirt I’ve pulled out brings me a stupid amount of joy. If you’ve never had luck with them, here’s my secret to getting them to work every single time.
Those big bins of candy at certain grocery stores? OH YES GIVE IT TO ME! I am one of those people that has a huge sweet tooth, so candy is my biggest weakness. I have a tendency toward really sour candy (recently loving these – 3g of sugar for the whole bag and actually taste good?!?), but honestly – I’ll try anything!
Going to bed early. People can say what they want, but nothing is as good to me as getting in bed by 8PM after showering and curling up with a good book. Any other early to bed, early to rise people out there?
Due to my aforementioned sweet tooth, I’m so guilty of taking a scoop of peanut butter out of the jar and eating it at any point during the day, which grosses Dane out to no end. Bonus points if I have some Enjoy Life mini chips to throw on top. A friend once told me that peanut butter is a gateway drug and it’s so true, because when I’m done with that I really just want more!
Anyone else out there head to their favorite stores when they’re having a sale and try to stack as many coupons as they possibly can to get the lowest price? Okay, so I do that, except then I typically just X out the screen entirely and clear my browser for fear of blacking out and going on some kind of spending bender and cashing in on all my full carts. So weird – I know!
Watching Dr. Pimple Popper videos. Look – I know it’s gross, okay. And sometimes I audibly gasp and make sure I force Dane to watch. But I can’t quit it!
And if you can’t tell, I love a nice and snark Someecard now and then too 😉 Alright, so now that I’ve shared mine – let me know what yours are!