Happy Monday, everyone! I’m walking into this week feeling so refreshed and ready to tackle a couple different projects I’m working on! We got home mid-week last week, so Dane and I both slowly eased into reality with a short work week and a relaxing weekend, which might be my favorite way to come off an amazing vacation high. Anyone else nodding in agreement? Our Italy trip was amazing, but we were seriously hustling for a big chunk of it, so taking this weekend to breathe and enjoy Hawaii was just what the doctor ordered!
I started the weekend by heading to the local mall and returning a few things. These shoes caught my eye in the window of Forever21, so I decided to pop in and take a stroll through to see if anything else looked like a winner. I saw these jeans and decided to swing back into the dressing room to try them on. I put up a poll over on Instagram and you guys had a lot of thoughts and feelings about them! I don’t think I’ve ever gotten so many inboxes regarding a poll with passionate opinions, LOL! Most of you hated the fringe on the hem, which to be honest – I would have just trimmed to my liking anyhow. They very nearly came home with me, but the wash wasn’t quite as dark as I normally like and when I turned around they looked like a pair of JNCO jeans — you know the ones I’m talking about with the huge pockets. After reading the tag, they were some sort of booty enhancing jeans, so perhaps that had something to do with it, but they went back on the rack and I left the store feeling very…not 21. Ha! That said, the fit was really good and they were higher waisted, which was a win in my book!
Friday night we continued catching up on episodes of Season 2 of the Handmaid’s Tale – that show is mind blowing to me. Is anyone else hooked? Dane and I really love it, but admittedly I have to close my eyes at some parts. I get scared pretty easily and the show can be kind of graphic. I’m not as into season two as I had hoped for, so I really hope it picks up!
Saturday was majorly cloudy so after driving all the way around the dang island, we settled on cleaning out some closets at home, which was pretty overdue. We have kept winter/fall clothes in bins in our closets for six years, always saying “when we move somewhere with seasons, we will use these!” As we pulled things out of bins, we looked at one another like…yeah, we would never wear this even if it was cold. Safe to say a lot of what we had held onto has gone out of style, so I listed a few things on Poshmark (you can shop my closet here) + we made a donation pile for the rest. For dinner we made a big kale salad and topped it with crispy garlic green beans and salmon – it was so tasty – and watched ‘Under The Tuscan Sun’. It’s safe to say Dane and I are still dreaming of Italy 😉
After feeling like we didn’t do too much on Saturday, we woke up pretty early (thanks jet lag) on Sunday, FaceTimed with our moms to wish them a happy Mother’s Day and got ready to head out for some exploring. We’ve lived on Oahu for 6 years now and there are still parts of the island we haven’t spent a ton of time in/around, so it’s sometimes fun to go on adventures in our own backyard. Dane suggested we hit up Monserrat Ave, which is an adorable (uphill) road that hugs Diamond Head in downtown Honolulu. Our first stop was for cappuccinos at ARS, followed by the most delicious vegan pizza from What It Dough. The pizza We walked into a few cute shops that are on the same road before heading home to wash the cars, clean up the house a little bit, walk the dogs + just generally get ready for the week ahead. I wasn’t even the least bit mad about it, because it meant feeling good about starting a new week and eager to get the Monday ball rolling. It also gave me time to finalize + shoot an upcoming project I have going this summer, which I’m pretty excited to share later this month! Here’s a little sneak peek…
For dinner, I made spicy Thai noodles with a peanut sauce that I kind of made up as I went along. It wound up being FREAKING DELICIOUS so maybe I should share the recipe here if I can remember what all I put in it, ha! And of course…more Handmaid’s Tale. I think we are finally caught up!
And while there was absolutely nothing crazy or over-the-top, it felt like the perfect weekend! So tell me – what did you do this weekend? What’s your week looking like?
I’m linking up today with B Loved Boston for Weekending 🙂