Toward the end of 2018, we had majorly fallen off the meal prep and planning train. By that I mean, that train sailed right on out of the station and we didn’t even wave goodbye – it was BAD! Because of that, we were wasting food and dinnertime was stressful, because we would fall into the same traps of eating the same boring crap. Which made me cranky. Then food would go to waste. Going to the grocery store was painful. It’s cyclical! So, at the beginning of January I made my best effort to really get back on the meal planning train, shop mindfully at the grocery store and you know what? IT WORKED! I started getting excited about dinner again, my Pinterest boards were getting a workout and we discovered some really yummy dishes in the process. Today I’m sharing the dinner wins in an “Eating Lately” style post that features recipes we tried and how we modified it. Let’s dig in 😉
Eating Lately Via My iPhone
Loaded Sweet Potato Fries + Homemade Ranch – This meal takes a crap load of time to prep (I won’t sugarcoat it), but holy wow – it was so, so good. The ranch for the top (while a pain in the ass to make) makes the entire meal and there is a ton leftover so we were able to use it for other meals throughout the week. We also subbed in coconut bacon instead of the real thing and it was DELISH!
Spicy Shrimp Egg Roll In A Bowl – The only thing I did differently with this recipe is sautéed my shrimp with garlic ahead of time so they got a little crisp and omitted the mayo-based topping. It was insanely good!
Loaded Summer Hummus – This recipe has been on heavy rotation in our house since last year. Basically, I make it every Friday for our sunset date and we inhale it as dinner. I top it with whatever I have, but keep spicy roasted Mac nuts as a staple. Our favorite toppings include: avocado, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, onions, broccoli, cauliflower and carrots.
Sweet Potato Pancakes With Avocado + Egg – I made this one up, but it’s so simple an delicious, not to mention super filling! I take one large sweet potato and shred it. This part takes the longest! Once it’s shredded, I mix in one egg and some garlic powder, salt and pepper. Then I heat up a skillet, use coconut oil (I don’t measure, maybe a tbsp?) and fry up the sweet potato mix into pancakes. When they’re cooked, I keep them warm in the oven, wipe out the pan and cook some eggs over easy. Then, it’s as simple as layering with the smashed avocado and pancakes. It’s a big favorite for brunch and dinner here!
Asian Broth Bowl – A couple months back, Dane and I went to a Hot Pot restaurant for the first time and it’s safe to say – we fell in love. When I spotted this recipe, I knew I wanted to make it at home with a few of my own modifications. I swapped in shrimp instead of chicken, added in a few other vegetables and if you know me – absolutely NO CILANTRO! It was out of this world good.
Caramelized Onion Polenta – Whenever I see recipes with polenta I always think “That sounds amazing, but also like a lot of work”, so I skip them. In an effort to break my food apprehensions, I took this recipe for caramelized mushroom polenta (hard pass on mushrooms) and used onions instead. It was AMAZING! I paired it with a side salad of arugula and it was delicious. Perhaps next time I would add shrimp or something, but for my first foray into it…excellent! Plus, it’s super easy to make #bonus
Crispy Brussels Sprouts – I have long wondered why the Brussels I make at home fall so, so short in comparison to the ones I make at home. You know what I mean – crispy, full of flavor and maybe slightly sweet? It evaded me FOREVER, because I didn’t want to cook them in bacon. So – when I found this recipe from Bon Apetit, I couldn’t wait to test it out. I subbed in agave + THEY ARE SO GOOD!Poblano Corn Quesadillas – In my effort to branch out more, I decided to pull the trigger on trying these quesadillas from What’s Gaby Cooking (I love her). I was intimidated to buy poblano peppers for fear of accidentally getting something spicy and tearing my insides to shreds. I am irrational – I know. Anyway, these were SO good and SO easy! I followed the directions exactly and subbed in Siete Tortillas and Daiya Shreds. 10/10 Recommend!
Cauli Rice Vegetable Bowl – Another What’s Gaby Cooking recipe and admittedly – this one is on heavy rotation in our house, because we always have the ingredients on hand and it tastes SO GOOD! I don’t have an instant pot, so I just cook the black beans on the stove. I also skip the kale in the cauli rice and add in a dollop of salsa. The white stuff on top is my go-to for Mexican dishes — Daiya yogurt mixed with lime juice. SO GOOD! On this particular night I added some leftover plantain chips my friend sent me for my birthday..gosh, they’re addicting!
Obviously we like trying new recipes, so let me know if you have a good one!