So many people have different opinions on managing your personal finances! I think that there are so many different ways that families choose to manage their finances and capital as they age and I know that as I get older, I try to read as much as I can to learn more as we go. Are Dane and I millionaires? HECK NO! But do Dane and I manage our finances and investments in a way that is going to set us up nicely for the future? YOU BET! We are both avid readers and our knowledge, coupled with the help of a financial advisor, has helped us manage our personal finances for years. To note: I’m not a financial advisor! But I do know a thing or two about books, so if you are in the market for a good book, or to start the path to wealth management, here are my top picks for best personal finance books.
9 Best Personal Finance Books
Happy Money
Happy Money – “Ken Honda—Japan’s #1 bestselling personal development guru—knows that getting rich quick is no way to achieve happiness. Too often, money is a source of fear, stress, and anger, often breaking apart relationships and even ruining lives. We like to think money is just a number or a piece of paper, but it is so much more than that. Money has the ability to smile, it changes when it is given with a certain feeling, and the energy with which it imbues us impacts not only ourselves, but others as well. Although Ken Honda is often called a “money guru,” his real job over the past decade has been to help others discover the tools they already possess to heal their own lives and relationships with money. Now, in practical and accessible language, the “Zen millionaire” explains how to achieve peace of mind when it comes to money. Learn how to treat money as a welcome guest, allowing it to come and go with respect and without resentment; understand and improve your money EQ; unpack the myth of scarcity; and embrace the process of giving money, not just receiving it.”
You Are A Badass At Making Money
You Are A Badass At Making Money – “You Are a Badass at Making Money will launch you past the fears and stumbling blocks that have kept financial success beyond your reach. Drawing on her own transformation—over just a few years—from a woman living in a converted garage with tumbleweeds blowing through her bank account to a woman who travels the world in style, Jen Sincero channels the inimitable sass and practicality that made You Are a Badass an indomitable bestseller. She combines hilarious personal essays with bite-size, aha concepts that unlock earning potential and get real results.”
10 Pillars Of Wealth
10 Pillars Of Wealth – “Think like a multimillionaire: leave the 9 to 5 behind. The world has led you to believe that financial freedom is not something you can willfully create in your life. You have been taught to view wealth as something that happens only to a lucky few who win a random business lottery or are blessed with unimaginable talent. The TRUTH is that creating excessive financial wealth does not come down to luck or talent. It comes down simply to your beliefs, understanding, and views–the ”pillars” that reinforce your every action. Alex Becker not only breaks down the most important pillars for you but also shows you how to bring them into your life TODAY to begin generating lifelong financial freedom. Discover how to: Successfully quit your 9 to 5 and take back your life without taking massive financial risks, Separate your time from money so that you are constantly getting paid (even in your sleep), Understand the lessons multimillionaires have learned through years of trial and error, Map out the exact steps needed to build million-dollar businesses, Skip time-wasting mistakes and learn how to make money quickly by focusing solely on what gets you paid.”
The Wealthy Gardener
The Wealthy Gardener – “They dubbed him the Wealthy Gardener due to his vast fortune and his passion for backyard gardening. The silly nickname stuck, and he didn’t object to it. Instead, within a year he renamed his vineyards The Wealthy Gardens. He enjoyed the name because it reminded him of a metaphor comparing life to a plot of land. Gardeners are not afraid of working hard to shape their landscape, but they are also aware of a mysterious Unseen Force that operates behind the scenes to make the plants grow.”
Opt Out
Opt Out – “Whether you want to live in a mansion, drive a luxury car, and be your own boss…or want to vagabond around the world, or live on an island and not work for a year, you can’t do it by following the rules. You’ve got to opt out. And as entrepreneur Dana Robinson has learned, escaping the rat race doesn’t come by working harder and spending less. It comes from knowing the tricks employed by other dropouts and rebels that have enabled them to beat the system and live the life most of us only dream about. Opt Out is the story of serial-entrepreneur Dana Robinson’s life-long quest to learn the secrets of those who have successfully tapped into the hidden path to real success. From a string of major life changes and bold business risks to abruptly giving up the American dream for the beaches of Bali, Dana details his personal path to success through incredible stories and hard-found truth. Along the way, his life-changing discoveries on how to successfully hack the system offer an in-depth instruction manual for anyone looking to reinvent their own lives in a world that rewards those that take path less traveled. The only question is – are you ready to opt out?”
The Latte Factor
The Latte Factor – “Discover #1 New York Times bestselling author David Bach’s three secrets to financial freedom in an engaging story that will show you that you are richer than you think. Drawing on the author’s experiences teaching millions of people around the world to live a rich life, this fast, easy read reveals how anyone—from millennials to baby boomers—can still make their dreams come true.”
Financial Freedom
Financial Freedom – “Financial Freedom is a step-by-step path to make more money in less time, so you have more time for the things you love. It challenges the accepted narrative of spending decades working a traditional 9 to 5 job, pinching pennies, and finally earning the right to retirement at age 65, and instead offers readers an alternative: forget everything you’ve ever learned about money so that you can actually live the life you want.”
Real Artists Don’t Starve
Real Artists Don’t Starve – “We’ve heard it a thousand times: There’s no money in art. It’s too risky. You’ll starve. So, we end up chasing more stable careers. We become lawyers and doctors and bankers instead of poets and filmmakers and painters. We settle. And in the end our best work suffers. The truth is we do not have to choose between a creative life and a prosperous one. In fact, many of history’s most creative minds—from Michelangelo to Shakespeare to Steve Jobs—succeeded not because they succumbed to the myth of the starving artist but precisely because they didn’t. Today we live in a New Renaissance, an era of unprecedented opportunity in which you can share your creative work without fear of suffering or starving. Drawing lessons from the likes of Jim Henson, C. S. Lewis, Dr. Dre, and many others, bestselling author and entrepreneur Jeff Goins invites us to drop the myths, worries, and flat-out lies that have been drilled into us our entire lives and instead reveals an empowering truth: Real artists don’t starve. They THRIVE.”
Your Money Or Your Life
Your Money Or Your Life – “For more than twenty-five years, Your Money or Your Life has been considered the go-to book for taking back your life by changing your relationship with money. Hundreds of thousands of people have followed this nine-step program, learning to live more deliberately and meaningfully with Vicki Robin’s guidance. This fully revised and updated edition with a foreword by “the Frugal Guru” (New Yorker) Mr. Money Mustache is the ultimate makeover of this bestselling classic, ensuring that its time-tested wisdom applies to people of all ages and covers modern topics like investing in index funds, managing revenue streams like side hustles and freelancing, tracking your finances online, and having difficult conversations about money.”
Now let’s chat – have you read any of these? Which was your favorite? If you liked this post, you might also enjoy 10 Books To Read If You Loved “You Are A Badass” or A Book Review On Joyful by Ingrid Fetell Lee!