How To Save A Web Page As A PDF | As a freelance writer, it’s safe to admit that a good chunk of my work never sees a printed page and is, instead, published as a digital piece. In an effort to keep an updated portfolio it’s important that I always save my digital pieces as a PDF in case websites fold or archive pages (this happens – don’t be naive!) and my work is no longer visible. Today I’m sharing the easy way I save web pages as PDFs and store them so that I always have a copy.
How To Save A Web Page As A PDF
First things first – head to the web page you wish to make into a PDF.
Next, go to File > Print in the top left of your browser. I’m on a MAC, so this might be slightly different on a PC.
A preview of your document will appear. Now, look where it shows PDF in the bottom left corner with the drop down blue arrow. Click that and choose ‘Save As PDF’. A new screen will populate as shown below.
From here, you can easily name the file, tag it and choose where to save it on your computer. And you’re done! Wasn’t that easy?
I keep all of my important work saved in a ‘PORTFOLIO’ folder that I keep updated on my desktop, but choose a location that works best for you so that you can access it easily.
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