In need of a virtual vacation? Here is a collection of Hawaiian sunset photos to enjoy!
If there is one type of photo I’ve never been able to edit well, it’s Hawaiian sunset photos. The colors are so vivid and beautiful in person, but I never seemed to be able to capture it how I wanted on my camera. The lighting would be off – too light, too dark – and then it stressed me out to sit down and try to figure out how to edit them properly.
I sat down this week, determined to learn. I needed a creative outlet, if I’m being honest. I opened up old hard drives filled with photos I took when I first bought my DSLR in 2014, took a couple online courses, watched some Youtube tutorials, found some tips on Pinterest, asked my good friend Caitlin, and got down to business.
Here is a compilation of some of my finished products and you can see that I played around with a bunch of different settings to try to capture different styles with lighting, shadows, and color.
I still have a long way to go, but I’m excited to learn along the way, plus combing through the archives of my photos was a nice little walk down memory lane. I still can’t believe we’ve lived in Hawaii as long as we have, but some of these photos are some of the very first I ever took with my “fancy” camera. I remember feeling so official with a “real” camera in tow heading to the beach to take photos and it’s safe to say my comfort level of actually taking photos has come quite a long way in six years.
In any case, here is a sampling of some Hawaiian sunset photos…I hope you enjoy!
Hawaiian Sunset Photo Diary

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