On the hunt for neon clothes for women? I’ve got you covered with all my favorites and best places to shop!
I wear bright colors all year long and this should surprise 0% of you. Some might say it’s because I live in Hawaii, and maybe that’s true, but long after we leave this island paradise (will that ever happen?), I plan on bringing my colorful assortment of closet staples along to showcase 365 days per year. I’m a firm believer in the brighter the better, but it took me a little while to ease into it. In truth, I wore a lot of black in my early professional days!
Where To Buy Neon Clothes
Over the years, I’ve gotten quite a few comments or questions about my rainbow wardrobe and where I stock up. My favorite retailers for colorful clothes include Target (affordable), J. Crew (middle of the road), and Anthropologie (investment). There are a few others here and there or one-off pieces I pick up from local boutiques, but the above mentioned are my go-tos. If I’m looking for an event-specific dress or jumpsuit, I almost always shop Farm Rio.
If you’re a color lover like me and don’t have any plans to kiss your neon goodbye for fall and winter, then today’s post is for you. I’m sharing the best neon clothes for women and where to find them…
Neon Womens Clothes
If you liked this post, you might also enjoy 5 Reasons I Love The Lululemon Vinyasa Scarf or My Favorite Places To Buy Jumpsuits and Rompers!