Looking for a delicious cookie recipe to try? Look no further than What’s Gaby Cooking’s Kitchen Sink Cookies!
It is no secret I have a huge sweet tooth, but strange as it may seem, cookies are not always the baked good I reach for when I’m hungry. I’m definitely more of a cake gal given the option, because who knows what kind of cookie you are going to get – what if you bite into it and it’s dry and sawdust-like? Bleh. No thanks, too much of a gamble for me.
But something about What’s Gaby Cooking’s Kitchen Sink Cookies kept jumping off the page at me, so I decided to make them.
What’s Gaby Cooking’s Kitchen Sink Cookies
I especially loved making them with Gaby’s cookie spatula she designed with Williams-Sonoma, where 30% of proceeds benefit No Kid Hungry.
Kitchen Sink Cookies
So as soon as you start reading Gaby’s recipe, you’ll realize this is actually her dad’s recipe, and the story is really sweet. Say what you will about people telling stories to go along with their recipes, but I enjoyed hearing why this particular one is so special to her. Also, these are so freaking good, I would like to personally thank her dad who invented them.
I am a firm believer in no-fruit-in-my-baked-goods, so I actually skipped the fruit and subbed in coconut and nuts the first time I made these.
The second time I made them I just used peanut butter M&Ms and white chocolate chips instead of the semi-sweet chocolate chips, and skipped the rest. Same thing – super delicious and we devoured them, though I will say I am going to stick to the semi-sweet chocolate chips in the future.
What makes the recipe so good is the dough, so trust me when I tell you that the mix-ins can be customized to fit what the people in your house like. You cannot go wrong!
I took Gaby’s suggestion on baking and left them in the oven for less time and they remained moist and chewy the whole week in a container on my counter. They never got hard or crumbly, which is a huge cookie win.
If you are sort of like me in that cookies aren’t usually your go-to sweet snack, trust me when I tell you that you need to make the kitchen sink cookies. Don’t even think twice (the pulverized oats are the key ingredient here) and whip up a batch. I promise you won’t be disappointed!
As a side note, I am a complete Gaby Dalkin fan-girl and I’ve never made a recipe of hers I didn’t love, so definitely make the cookies, but also check out her other stuff if you’re in a recipe rut. She’s a big favorite at our house!
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