Dreaming of Waikiki Beach on Oahu? Here are some colorful aerial Hawaii photos for an instant tropical vacation!
Ready to see what Waikiki Beach looks like now that tourists have returned? Get ready, because these photos may look a little shocking. Frankly, I was not prepared for just how crowded Hawaii would be so soon after re-opening.
Waikiki Hawaii
I will be the first to say – Waikiki is not my favorite place on Oahu. Right now, it’s overflowing with people and even before the pandemic, crowds were not my thing. That said, I love, love, love how it looks from above in all of these photos.
Waikiki Beach Oahu
Admittedly, these were all taken on a Saturday, which is a prime beach day, but holy Moses, finding even a small patch of sand to sit on was dang near impossible. We only stayed to take some photos and high-tailed it right outta here!
Waikiki Beach Honolulu
While I’m happy for all the resorts and businesses finally seeing a return to some sense of normalcy, I can’t help but hope that everyone traveling here is being as respectful as they can be of the land and surroundings that make the Hawaiian Islands so special.
I love how when you have an aerial photograph you can see the tiny moments in time not captured in any other way. The bright patches of color also remind me of sprinkles!
Waikiki Hawaii | Oahu, Hawaii
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