Need a little colorful pick-me-up? Here are some of my favorite Hawaii rainbow photos that I’ve captured just using my phone!
The other night I was looking through my phone and I realized – wow, I have taken a lot of rainbow photos here in Hawaii! It’s not atypical to see a rainbow simply driving down the road or looking out the window. In nearly ten years here, we’ve seen plenty of colorful sky treats.
I guess this is not entirely surprising considering Hawaii is the Rainbow State. Location mixed with climate make it the ideal conditions for rainbows to appear across the Hawaiian Islands. They’re especially common during our rainy season between November and February/March. But trust me when I tell you, there’s a good chance of seeing a rainbow here nearly any month of the year.
It doesn’t matter how many I’ve seen, when I notice the sky start to light up, I get out my phone. Why are rainbows so mesmerizing to me?
In any case, if you need a little pick-me-up today (or whenever you read this!), or just want to think about a tropical retreat from your computer, I’m sharing some of the best Hawaii rainbow photos I found on my phone.
Hawaii Rainbow Photos

I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did putting it together. I do sell a special collection of rainbow photos available exclusively at Lauren Roth Art Boutique, so if you’d like a little piece of aloha for your home, definitely send her a message!
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