Looking for the best Trader Joe’s products to pick up this month? Here’s what I bought at Trader Joe’s this month.
My favorite post of the month has become these Trader Joe’s roundups, because what is more fun than finding delicious new food to enjoy? Really nothing. This month, like my March finds, isn’t super holiday focused, but I found plenty of spring-inspired treats from everyone’s favorite grocer. Here are the Trader Joe’s products I bought this trip and what I loved most. Hint: it’s cheese.
Trader Joe’s Products I Bought – April 2023
Shredded Pizza Seasoned Cheese – OK, if there is one item I’m going to miss terribly when we move back to Hawaii, it’s this insanely flavorful cheese. I can’t explain how good this is with words (tragic) but I buy multiple bags at a time and freeze it. It’s good on pizza, in stromboli, sprinkled on salad, on top of pasta, made into cheese waffles…the list really goes on and on. Just trust me!
Tortillas – I used to buy these delicious homemade tortillas at a local grocery store when we lived in Hawaii, but I struggled to find anything similar…and then I found these. While they’re not exactly how I remember the homemade ones, they are dang close and affordable, too.
Raviolini – I always like browsing the pasta aisle to see what fun new flavors are on tap and the burrata immediately caught my eye. These are delicious, but as the name insinuates, they’re pretty small. We mixed these with some vegetables to make a more full meal, because one pack wouldn’t have been enough for two hungry people IMO!
Gnocchi – Who can resist mini gnocchi? That is all.
Tart Cherry Juice – I’ve been hearing so much about tart cherry juice in the news lately. Specifically how it can help you sleep at night. Listen, I don’t need an excuse to try something in an effort to sleep more soundly, so I picked up a bottle. It’s worth noting I LOVE the taste and I try to drink it about an hour before I go to bed. It’s definitely a very tart flavor!!
Dark Russet Chips – I never need an excuse to try a potato product, but these practically jumped off the shelf. They’re VERY crunchy and pair really well with dips, but frankly I like eating them on their own. The flavor is extra tasty (it’s the kettle cooking!), and when I only have crumbs left I use them for Potato Chip Chicken.
Cashew Butter Cashews – I’m thankful that these don’t require refrigeration, because I will be buying them in bulk when we move. If I open the bag, they’re gone in one sitting. They’re sweet and salty (the best snack combo)!
Jalapeno Cheese Pull Apart Bread – Can you tell I’m on a bread kick? This is divine dipped in chili, or honestly..just pulling off a chunk and putting it in your mouth.