Was your dog or cat recently diagnosed with cancer? Use this list of resources for pets with cancer to help assist with the financial burden.
When Bill was diagnosed with cancer, I felt like my world was caving in. Our dogs bring immeasurable joy and love to our lives, so when faced with the distressing news of a cancer diagnosis or other serious illness in our furry family members, the emotional burden can be compounded by the financial challenges that arise during treatment and care. I know that once we made the decision to pursue chemotherapy, one of my first questions was: How much will this cost?
Even the most devoted pet parents can be overwhelmed by the financial strain. But one thing that I’ve learned is that there are so many resources available to pursue.
32 Resources For Pets With Cancer
In an effort to help other pet parents trying to navigate this confusing time, I’ve put together a list of organizations who are willing and able to help families during financial strain. Most of these organizations accept applications on a rolling basis and all have prerequisites, so be sure to read their individual parameters closely. Every little bit helps when you’re faced with thousands of dollars in medical bills.
Pets for Patriots
Wetterberg Foundation Grant for Veterans
Helping Paws San Diego
Operation We Are Here
US Dept. of Veterans Affairs
Phone: 1-800-827-1000
Web: https://www.va.gov/
For veterans who have service dogs, Title 38, Section 1714 enables veterans to ask their caseworkers to file VA form 10-2641 in order to receive financial assistance for veterinary care of service dogs.
Veterinary Care Charitable Foundation
Assistance Dog United Campaign
Email: info@assistancedogunitedcampaign.org
Web: www.assistancedogunitedcampaign.org
Provides financial assistance to individuals who have the need for an assistance dog, but have difficulty in raising the necessary funds.
International Association of Assistance Dog Partners
Phone: (888) 544-2237
Email: info@iaadp.org
For IAADP members only, may provide funds when an assistance dog develops a sudden illness or injury that is treatable but the high cost of intervention is unaffordable.
Land of Pure Gold
The Onyx and Breezy Foundation
Murphee and Sugar Angel Foundation