Today marks my first day back on the East Coast for a whirlwind trip of wedding planning & family visiting. Which means today also marks more updates of Maddie on my Instagram feed. You’re welcome. And if you’re as good at math as I am, you’ve deduced that because today is a first, yesterday was a last. As in, the… Continue Reading
You Asked…
Happy Wednesday! Today I’m finally getting around to answering questions that some of you have been sending me and I’ve been too lazy forgetting to respond to…and if you haven’t asked a question then I suppose this post may be a bit of an over-share for you. In any case, I hope this answers inquiring minds! These pants are from… Continue Reading
If you didn’t get the hint from this post, or this one, or even this one…we take skin care pretty seriously around here. I say we, because Dane is a huge believer in a solid skincare regimen, too. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you can’t paint a pretty portrait if you don’t have a nice palette…. Continue Reading
Pictures for you
Happy Easter Monday, everyone! And April..oh my God when did that happen!? And to kick off a fabulous week, I’m going to recap my weekend via photo only. That’s code for: look at the pictures and try to decode all my adventures. Just kidding. Sort of. Sometimes when I start thinking about my weekends, all that comes to mind is… Continue Reading
Dirty Bit
I really don’t know why Dirty Bit is the title of this. Probably because the original title was Friday Bits, which reminded me of Dirty Bit and THIS WEDDING VIDEO, which I am more than a little obsessed with (if you couldn’t tell). It takes a hot second for it to load, but use that second to grab a drink…. Continue Reading
You can’t put a price-tag on time
I had an entirely different post planned for today. One that included my newest obsession with using web tools to put faces on different bodies. Mostly of my favorite pets doing human activities. But for now that has to wait. I’ve blogged before about what scares me about parenting, and, as a childless woman, I don’t know what it’s like… Continue Reading