Today, friends, I present to you something more addicting than Pinterest itself. No, not June Boo Boo or Chrissy Teigen’s twitter feed. Pinterest, You Are Drunk. You can thank me later. I accept all forms of gift card and monetary PayPal donations. Too big to capture–a full grown man in a one piece cable-knit body suit & steak pops and… Continue Reading
Party with the Mayans over hereeeee!
So looky here, it’s 12-12-12 and if you’re reading this the end of the earth hasn’t happened yet which is grand supreme in my book. Grand Supreme as in this. Because everyone thinks June Boo Boo when one thinks Grand Supreme, right? Well, Taylor does, so that’s all that really matters. She’s having a hell of a year that one…. Continue Reading
Reality check
Last week, a girl I went to high school with messaged me on Facebook expressing that she envied my life and wished she was me. She was constantly tired from taking care of her two children, fought with her husband, and was living paycheck to paycheck. STOP: This post is not about to be a humblebrag “Oh my life is… Continue Reading
Too busy living
So you know those times when you’re so busy enjoying life that you don’t even think to pull your phone out to take a photo of the food you’re about to devour or the cool Christmas lights you just saw? Yeah. That happened this weekend. Am I the worst blogger in the world? Probably. But you know what? I don’t… Continue Reading
It’s that time again…
Cheers, to the freakin’ weekend! I apologize in advance for this weekly recap, because if you follow me on Instagram (which you should) then you’ve already seen some of these–but I mean, if you’re like me nosy then you should just go right on and get up-to-the-minute updates here and here. Oh hell, let’s just go for a hat trick… Continue Reading
SPD: Long Distance Lovin’
I’m so happy to be back on the crafting wagon with Steph and Katie. Those girls really do know how to set my Pinteresting boards ablaze. Now, last time I showed you all these lovely mugs. So cute, yes? Well plenty of other people thought so, too. Including one of my best friends. She has two sisters–both in long distance… Continue Reading