Who is thankful it’s Friday? ME ME ME!
This week seemed to FREAKING CRAWL. That’s right, you heard me. I don’t know if it was the transition into February or the fact that my car broke down TWICE on Tuesday or what, but…bring on the weekend, baby.
1.Is anyone else lusting over the new Lulu & Georgia x Justina Blakeney Collection? As soon as I saw it pop up on my newsfeed this week, I eagerly clicked through each and every piece. I can’t stop thinking about this beautiful chair and will likely be pulling the trigger very soon on that ORDER button 🙂
2. On the topic of things I can’t s top thinking about – let’s dish on Beyonce’s maternity photos. Everyone is all goo-goo-ga-ga over them and I’m just like…
Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for her. Two babies – that’s awesome! But I have a lot of questions about who styled that mess. To be fair, I should disclose maternity photos don’t appeal to me, so regardless if it is Beyonce or some random woman at the grocery store, I’m having a sincere WTF moment.
3. A new bakery opened up this week at my all-time favorite hotel – The Royal Hawaiian. Specifically, it opened on the same day as the iconic pink palace turned 90 years old. Most people don’t know that the luxury resort offered itself up to the Navy during World War II as a refuge for seaman during wartimes. It has a full museum in its basement loaded with photos and other fun facts. But back to the bakery…I can’t wait to test it out when we have a little staycation there in a few weeks!
4. I’m of the distinct impression that there is some sort of figure somewhere that sees “oh look, you’re finally getting ahead…” BAM! Unexpected bill or expense. This week one of our cars broke down not once, but twice in the same day. Once in a parking lot (thankfully it could be jumped), but the other time smack dab in the middle of the road. How fun! Our cars are insured with USAA, who usually do a great job, except for when you have a foreign car apparently. There is only one place on the island who can work on foreign cars and that’s the dealership, but USAA only covers a certain amount of towed miles — no exceptions. So our predicament was that OF COURSE the dealership was outside the range of allowable tow miles. We ended up paying the difference, but it seems so odd to me — like what do I have insurance for if I have to pay out of pocket anyhow!? Am I being penalized for having a certain kind of car? #annoying
5. Don’t forget to check out yesterday’s post on all the best snacks and drinks to make for Sunday’s Super Bowl! Who are you cheering for?
Linking up with 5 On Friday & High 5 For Friday