I’m not a beauty expert, but I feel like it is my due diligence to share with you a no-fail beauty tip when I have one. Am I right? Right. So, today I’m sharing the secret to getting pore strips to work every single time. Maybe you’re like me and have been using Biore strips (or something similar) since your teen years. Or maybe you’re like my husband and tried them once, didn’t think they worked well enough to justify the price and swore them off entirely. No matter which side you fall on, I’m going to change the game for you today. Here’s the secret to getting pore strips to work every single time…with something you probably already have at home!
Fun fact: I am a total weirdo and love pulling off pore strips to see the gunk that comes out of my pores. Call me what you will, but that’s the reality. Also, thinking that dirt and grime was once packed into my face – GROSS! While I was on my girl’s trip last weekend I was telling my friend about this little trick and made her a fun little video demo, so you can scroll all the way to the bottom for that treat 😉
Anyway, to get pore strips to work every single time all you need is…
To get started, wash your face with your normal face wash and warm water.
Rinse your face with warm water. Pat dry.
In your palm, create a paste using 1 tbsp. baking soda and a couple droplets of water. You don’t want your “paste” to be too runny, so add just a couple drops of water at a time, swirl it around until it becomes a paste, then massage it onto your nose and upper cheekbone areas.
*note, this technique works for any area, so if you want to do your forehead, chin, cheeks, etc., just rub the paste on those areas!
When you have used up all the paste and sufficiently massaged it into your pores, rinse it off with warm water again.
Do not pat your face dry this time.
Instead, apply a nose pore strip across your nose (or wherever you are using your strip(s)!). Let dry for 30 minutes. (I think it usually says 20 or until it gets hard, but leave it on there for 30…trust me!) I also tend to use the straight pore strips and cut them up to place in various areas around my face. This pack is a nice combo of both nose + straight strips!
And for your viewing pleasure, this gratuitous iPhone selfie. #yourewelcome
Make sure the edges of the strips are pushed down firmly. You want them to mold to whatever area you’re “working on”. Again, another selfie for the sake of your pores.
At 30 minutes, slowly pull the pore strip off and get ready to be delighted or grossed out.
I’m not sure of the science behind this magical technique, but DANG! Even Dane who swore up and down it didn’t work for him got a nice little surprise when he pulled off his strip.
This is your warning not to keep reading if pore strip pictures gross you out…
I don’t have a macro lens (yet), so these iPhone photos of our pore strips will have to do (and they really don’t do it justice), but trust me when I say…WOW!
And if you were curious, the promised video 😉
Anddddd, the video results…Like the photos above, my phone doesn’t do it justice! I’m telling you – it’s nasty and worth the extra step.
Have you tried it this way before?